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FS2002 2004 Cancun Intl land Vehicles Scenery. first off at all, I give thanks you for downloading my scenery. Ive tested to create it as expert as possible. This scenery adds approximately motionless vehicles to Cancun Intl, Mexico. You testament undergo about nutrient trucks, pushback tugs, and so on. This scenery doesnt haves a big upshot on frame up rates, but if you bear an old PC, debate testing it first, because you dont need to do a landing at 5 fps only when because you dont tested it. Any questions, comments, recommendations? My email adress is adamdabek24atgmail. com

Filesize: 644.39 Kb | Added on: Nov 10, 2012 | Downloads: 2177

Users Reviews
FS2002 2004 Cancun Intl land Vehicles Scenery. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

boeingfreakrating: 8
August 16, 2013
Awesome stuff